Pantheons were insurance providers in the Ancient World

In the ancient world, travelers greeted each other with the question, “Which gods do you worship?” Deities were compared, traded, and adopted in recognition that strangers had something of value to offer. An exchange of earthly ideas and useful articles also took place, and a more comfortable daily life was obtained through the expanded availability of materials, tools, foods, and skills.

Pantheons were the ancient world’s insurance providers. Diverse deities protected women, children, tradesmen, sailors, butchers, farmers, and soldiers, regardless of social status. No pre-existing condition prevented a person from finding a god, goddess, or spirit protector. Each person or group had one or more sympathetic listener who might increase one’s chances for a favorable outcome to life’s ventures, large and small. The nonracist and religiously inclusive social policy of the Romans was a powerful factor in the success of their multicultural empire, which abolished barriers to travel, trade and information across the Mediterranean world, Europe and North Africa. More people wanted to be included in the Roman Empire than wanted out.

Monotheism ruined all that.

Who would have been the god-goddess of Asperger types?
